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Working with Transformers

Load your Transformer as a CachedCausalLM

The easiest way to load a Transformer model is to use the CachedCausalLM.from_pretrained static method, which accepts as input a HuggingFace model identifier. This loads the model's weights into memory, and also loads the appropriate tokenizer. The optional auth_token parameter can be provided if the model in question requires HuggingFace authorization (e.g., Meta's Llama 2 models).

Use the LLM within your model via the Transformer distribution

Within a model, you can sample or observe from the Transformer distribution. It accepts as arguments a CachedCausalLM instance, as well as a list of integer token ids specifying the context. It returns a distribution over next tokens. The Transformer distirbution is stateless, and so your model will need to manually extend the context with newly sampled tokens.

Use the LLM within your model via the LMContext class

Alternatively, you can initialize an LMContext object with a CachedCausalLM instance instance and a string-valued prompt. It maintains a growing context as state, and exposes a next_token distribution that, when sampled, observed, or intervened, grows the context. It also supports a form of 'sub-token' generation, via the mask_dist distribution.

Create custom token distributions with TokenCategorical

You may also create a custom distribution over the vocabulary of a language model using the TokenCategorical distribution. It is parameterized by a CachedCausalLM instance, and an array of logits equal in length to the language model's vocabulary size. This distribution is particularly useful as a proposal distribution; for example, a model might sample with dist set to the LM's next token distribution, but with proposal set to a modified distribution that uses a heuristic to upweight 'good' tokens and downweight 'bad' ones.