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Getting Started


One easy way to try LLaMPPL out is to use a Colab notebook. We have a demo notebook that performs constrained generation with GPT-2, a small enough model that the RAM and GPU constraints of Colab's free version should not prevent you from running the demo.

Installing LLaMPPL

To get started, clone the hfppl repository and install the hfppl package.

git clone
cd hfppl
poetry install

We use poetry to manage dependencies. If you don't have poetry installed, you can install it with pip install poetry.

You can then run an example. The first time you run it, the example may ask to downlaod model weights from the HuggingFace model repository.

poetry run python examples/

Depending on your available GPU memory, you may wish to edit the example to change parameters such as the batch size, or which HuggingFace model to use. The example has been run successfully on an NVIDIA L4 GPU (with 24 GB of VRAM) on Google Cloud.

Your First Model

Let's write a LLaMPPL model to generate according to the hard constraint that completions do not use the lowercase letter e.

To do so, we write subclass the Model class:

# examples/

from hfppl import Model, LMContext, CachedCausalLM

# A LLaMPPL model subclasses the Model class
class MyModel(Model):

    # The __init__ method is used to process arguments
    # and initialize instance variables.
    def __init__(self, lm, prompt, forbidden_letter):

        # A stateful context object for the LLM, initialized with the prompt
        self.context = LMContext(lm, prompt)
        self.eos_token = lm.tokenizer.eos_token_id

        # The forbidden letter
        self.forbidden_tokens = set(i for (i, v) in enumerate(lm.vocab)
                                      if forbidden_letter in v)

    # The step method is used to perform a single 'step' of generation.
    # This might be a single token, a single phrase, or any other division.
    # Here, we generate one token at a time.
    async def step(self):
        # Condition on the next token *not* being a forbidden token.
        await self.observe(self.context.mask_dist(self.forbidden_tokens), False)

        # Sample the next token from the LLM -- automatically extends `self.context`.
        token = await self.sample(self.context.next_token())

        # Check for EOS or end of sentence
        if token.token_id == self.eos_token or str(token) in ['.', '!', '?']:
            # Finish generation

    # To improve performance, a hint that `self.forbidden_tokens` is immutable
    def immutable_properties(self):
        return set(['forbidden_tokens'])

To run the model, we use an inference method, like smc_steer:

import asyncio
from hfppl import smc_steer

# Initialize the HuggingFace model
lm = CachedCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", auth_token=<YOUR_HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN_HERE>)

# Create a model instance
model = MyModel(lm, "The weather today is expected to be", "e")

# Run inference
particles =, 5, 3)) # number of particles N, and beam factor K

Each returned particle is an instance of the MyModel class that has been step-ped to completion. The generated strings can be printed along with the particle weights:

for particle in particles:
    print(f"{particle.context.s} (weight: {particle.weight})")

Learning more

For more intuition on language model probabilistic programming, see our paper, or the rest of this documentation.