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sample_word(self, context, max_tokens=5, allow_punctuation=True) async

Sample a word from the LMContext object context.

Source code in hfppl/
async def sample_word(self, context, max_tokens=5, allow_punctuation=True):
    """Sample a word from the `LMContext` object `context`."""
    last_token = context.lm.str_vocab[context.tokens[-1]] if len(context.tokens) > 0 else ""
    last_character = last_token[-1] if len(last_token) > 0 else ""
    needs_space = last_character not in string.whitespace and last_character not in [
    if needs_space:
        starts_word_mask = context.lm.masks.STARTS_NEW_WORD
        starts_word_mask = context.lm.masks.CONTINUES_CURRENT_WORD

    # Force model to start a new word
    await self.observe(context.mask_dist(starts_word_mask), True)

    word = ""
    num_tokens = 0
    while True:
        token = await self.sample(context.next_token())
        word += context.lm.str_vocab[token.token_id]
        num_tokens += 1

        if num_tokens == max_tokens:
            await self.observe(
                context.mask_dist(context.lm.masks.CONTINUES_CURRENT_WORD), False

        if not (
            await self.sample(

    # Sample punctuation, if desired
    punctuation = ""
    if allow_punctuation and await self.sample(
        punctuation_token = await self.sample(context.next_token())
        punctuation = context.lm.str_vocab[punctuation_token.token_id]

    return word, punctuation

sample_word_2(self, context, max_chars=None, allow_mid_punctuation=True, allow_end_punctuation=True) async

Sample a word from the LMContext object context.

Unlike sample_word() above, this method allows for character-level control over the length of the word. It also allows for control over the presence of punctuation in the middle and at the end of the word.


Name Type Description Default
max_chars int

Maximum number of characters in the word. If None, the model will sample a word of any length.

allow_mid_punctuation bool

If True, the model may sample punctuation in the middle of the word.

allow_end_punctuation bool

If True, the model may sample punctuation at the end of the word.



Type Description

Tuple[str, str]: The sampled word and punctuation

Source code in hfppl/
async def sample_word_2(
    max_chars: int = None,
    allow_mid_punctuation: bool = True,
    allow_end_punctuation: bool = True,
    """Sample a word from the `LMContext` object `context`.

    Unlike sample_word() above, this method allows for character-level control over the length of the word.
    It also allows for control over the presence of punctuation in the middle and at the end of the word.

        max_chars (int): Maximum number of characters in the word. If None, the model will sample a word of any length.
        allow_mid_punctuation (bool): If True, the model may sample punctuation in the middle of the word.
        allow_end_punctuation (bool): If True, the model may sample punctuation at the end of the word.

        Tuple[str, str]: The sampled word and punctuation
    # NOTE: Yields control back to the event loop. Necessary to allow timeouts to work correctly when this method is called in a loop.
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # This approach sometimes breaks with max_chars = 1
    if max_chars is not None:
        assert max_chars > 1

    last_token = context.lm.str_vocab[context.tokens[-1]] if len(context.tokens) > 0 else ""
    last_character = last_token[-1] if len(last_token) > 0 else ""
    needs_space = last_character not in string.whitespace and last_character not in [
    if needs_space:
        starts_word_mask = context.lm.masks.STARTS_NEW_WORD
        starts_word_mask = context.lm.masks.CONTINUES_CURRENT_WORD

    # Force model to start a new word
    await self.observe(context.mask_dist(starts_word_mask), True)

    word = ""
    while True:
        # Force model to sample a token with an appropriate number of characters
        if max_chars is not None:
            await self.observe(
                    context.lm.masks.MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH[max_chars - len(word.strip())]

        token = await self.sample(context.next_token())
        word += context.lm.str_vocab[token.token_id]

        # If we ran out of chars, break
        if max_chars is not None and len(word.strip()) >= max_chars:
            await self.observe(
                context.mask_dist(context.lm.masks.CONTINUES_CURRENT_WORD), False

        # If the model wants to end the word, break
        if not (
            await self.sample(

    # Sample punctuation, if desired
    mid_punctuation, end_punctuation = "", ""

    mask = set()
    if allow_mid_punctuation:
        mask = mask | context.lm.masks.MID_PUNCTUATION
    if allow_end_punctuation:
        mask = mask | context.lm.masks.END_PUNCTUATION

    if mask and await self.sample(context.mask_dist(mask)):
        token = await self.sample(context.next_token())
        if token.token_id in context.lm.masks.MID_PUNCTUATION:
            mid_punctuation = context.lm.str_vocab[token.token_id]
        if token.token_id in context.lm.masks.END_PUNCTUATION:
            end_punctuation = context.lm.str_vocab[token.token_id]

    return word, mid_punctuation, end_punctuation