Data Structures and Utilities
The state of a particle filter is represented by a ParticleFilterState
, which stores a set of traces (representing particles) and their associated (unnormalized) weights:
— TypeParticleFilterState
A data structure that represents the current state of a particle filter.
The following functions can be used to access the traces and weights:
— Functiontraces = get_traces(state::ParticleFilterState)
Return the vector of traces in the current state, one for each particle.
— Functionlog_weights = get_log_weights(state::ParticleFilterState)
Return the vector of log weights for the current state, one for each particle.
The weights are not normalized, and are in log-space.
— Functionget_log_norm_weights(state::ParticleFilterState)
Return the vector of normalized log weights for the current state, one for each particle.
— Functionget_norm_weights(state::ParticleFilterState)
Return the vector of normalized weights for the current state, one for each particle.
Users can also sample traces from the particle filter, with probability proportional to their weights:
— Functiontraces::Vector = sample_unweighted_traces(state::ParticleFilterState, num_samples::Int)
Sample a vector of num_samples
traces from the weighted collection of traces in the given particle filter state.
To enable parallelism and block-wise operations, users can index into a ParticleFilterState
to obtain a ParticleFilterSubState
— TypeParticleFilterSubState
A data structure that represents a view into a subset of traces in a particle filter. If state
is a ParticleFilterState
, then state[idxs]
or view(state, idxs)
can be used to construct a ParticleFilterSubState
which only contains the traces at the specified idxs
Aside from resizing, all particle filtering operations that can be applied to a ParticleFilterState
can also be applied to a ParticleFilterSubState
Several functions are provided to compute particle filter diagnostics.
— Functioneffective_sample_size(state::ParticleFilterState)
Computes the effective sample size of the particles in the filter.
— Functionget_ess(state::ParticleFilterState)
Alias for effective_sample_size
. Computes the effective sample size.
— Functionestimate = log_ml_estimate(state::ParticleFilterState)
Return the particle filter's current estimate of the log marginal likelihood.
— Functionget_lml_est(state::ParticleFilterState)
Alias for log_ml_estimate
. Returns the particle filter's current estimate of the log marginal likelihood.
The following methods for computing summary statistics are also provided.
— Methodmean(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])
Returns the weighted empirical mean for a particular trace address addr
. If addr
is not provided, returns the empirical mean of the return value associated with each trace in the particle filter.
— Methodmean(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])
Returns the weighted empirical mean of a function f
applied to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs
, where f
takes in a number of arguments equal to the number of addresses.
If no addresses are provided, f
is applied to the return value of each trace.
— Methodvar(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])
Returns the empirical variance for a particular trace address addr
. If addr
is not provided, returns the empirical variance of the return value associated with each trace in the particle filter.
— Methodvar(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])
Returns the empirical variance of a function f
applied to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs
, where f
takes in a number of arguments equal to the number of addresses.
If no addresses are provided, f
is applied to the return value of each trace.
— Methodproportionmap(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])
Returns a dictionary mapping each unique value at a trace address addr
to its proportion (i.e. sum of normalized weights) in the particle filter. If addr
is not provided, returns the proportions of each possible return value.
— Methodproportionmap(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])
Applies f
to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs
, then returns a dictionary mapping each unique value to its proportion (i.e. sum of normalized weights) in the particle filter.
If no addresses are provided, f
is applied to the return value of each trace.
To support the use of stratified sampling, the choiceproduct
method can be used to conveniently generate a list of choicemap strata:
— Functionchoiceproduct((addr, vals))
choiceproduct((addr, vals), choices::Tuple...)
Returns an iterator over ChoiceMap
s given a tuple or sequence of tuples of the form (addr, vals)
, where addr
specifies a choice address, and vals
specifies a list of values for that address.
If multiple tuples are provided, the iterator will be a Cartesian product over the (addr, vals)
pairs, where each resulting ChoiceMap
contains all specified addresses. Instead of specifying multiple tuples, a dictionary mapping addresses to values can also be provided.
This function can be used to conveniently generate ChoiceMap
s for stratified sampling. For example, we can use choiceproduct
instead of manually constructing a list of strata:
# Manual construction
strata = [choicemap((:a, 1), (:b, 3)), choicemap((:a, 2), (:b, 3))]
# Using choiceproduct
strata = choiceproduct((:a, [1, 2]), (:b, [3]))