Data Structures and Utilities

The state of a particle filter is represented by a ParticleFilterState, which stores a set of traces (representing particles) and their associated (unnormalized) weights:

The following functions can be used to access the traces and weights:

traces = get_traces(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the vector of traces in the current state, one for each particle.

log_weights = get_log_weights(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the vector of log weights for the current state, one for each particle.

The weights are not normalized, and are in log-space.

Users can also sample traces from the particle filter, with probability proportional to their weights:

traces::Vector = sample_unweighted_traces(state::ParticleFilterState, num_samples::Int)

Sample a vector of num_samples traces from the weighted collection of traces in the given particle filter state.

To enable parallelism and block-wise operations, users can index into a ParticleFilterState to obtain a ParticleFilterSubState:


A data structure that represents a view into a subset of traces in a particle filter. If state is a ParticleFilterState, then state[idxs] or view(state, idxs) can be used to construct a ParticleFilterSubState which only contains the traces at the specified idxs.


Aside from resizing, all particle filtering operations that can be applied to a ParticleFilterState can also be applied to a ParticleFilterSubState.


Several functions are provided to compute particle filter diagnostics.


Computes the effective sample size of the particles in the filter.

estimate = log_ml_estimate(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the particle filter's current estimate of the log marginal likelihood.


The following methods for computing summary statistics are also provided.

mean(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])

Returns the weighted empirical mean for a particular trace address addr. If addr is not provided, returns the empirical mean of the return value associated with each trace in the particle filter.

mean(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])

Returns the weighted empirical mean of a function f applied to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs, where f takes in a number of arguments equal to the number of addresses.

If no addresses are provided, f is applied to the return value of each trace.

var(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])

Returns the empirical variance for a particular trace address addr. If addr is not provided, returns the empirical variance of the return value associated with each trace in the particle filter.

var(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])

Returns the empirical variance of a function f applied to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs, where f takes in a number of arguments equal to the number of addresses.

If no addresses are provided, f is applied to the return value of each trace.

proportionmap(state::ParticleFilterState[, addr])

Returns a dictionary mapping each unique value at a trace address addr to its proportion (i.e. sum of normalized weights) in the particle filter. If addr is not provided, returns the proportions of each possible return value.

proportionmap(f::Function, state::ParticleFilterState[, addrs...])

Applies f to the values at one or more trace addresses addrs, then returns a dictionary mapping each unique value to its proportion (i.e. sum of normalized weights) in the particle filter.

If no addresses are provided, f is applied to the return value of each trace.



To support the use of stratified sampling, the choiceproduct method can be used to conveniently generate a list of choicemap strata:

choiceproduct((addr, vals))
choiceproduct((addr, vals), choices::Tuple...)

Returns an iterator over ChoiceMaps given a tuple or sequence of tuples of the form (addr, vals), where addr specifies a choice address, and vals specifies a list of values for that address.

If multiple tuples are provided, the iterator will be a Cartesian product over the (addr, vals) pairs, where each resulting ChoiceMap contains all specified addresses. Instead of specifying multiple tuples, a dictionary mapping addresses to values can also be provided.


This function can be used to conveniently generate ChoiceMaps for stratified sampling. For example, we can use choiceproduct instead of manually constructing a list of strata:

# Manual construction
strata = [choicemap((:a,  1), (:b,  3)), choicemap((:a,  2), (:b,  3))]
# Using choiceproduct
strata = choiceproduct((:a, [1, 2]), (:b, [3]))